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Ms. Connie has a goodly number of people scattered about her worlds that might possibly have interesting stories. We know a little about Bill from Lissa's and Ashe's stories, but certainly not anything about his relationships with any women. Because it was such a prominent issue in the escape of the half-Elemaiyan children, I suspect that we see something of a younger Bill in the God Wars.
Y'all already know what I think about Opal and Kay.
Or another W.A.G, maybe Bill has some physic gift or something that makes him a little more than human. After all, he was in charge of that paranormal division. Connie confirmed that blood double time on earth is before Ashe's group comes on the scene. I think it comes after Lissa's time on earth since her husband's car is mentioned. It's a guess.
I think you are right about the timing. During Lyssa's time on Earth, Bill didn't have any gifts and didn't even know about supernatural things before he met her. I think he met the "bright lady" after Lyssa left earth and before Shadowed. Other timing confuses me though. If the Bright Lady is the Mighty Heart, she helped Ashe before he appeared to Lyssa as the Mighty Hand. He should already know who she is when he's talking about her to Lyssa or Rabis. I seriously need to write down a timeline for my guesses!
Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by LauraD. Reason: wrong sentence
LauraD wrote: ...I seriously need to write down a timeline for my guesses!
Don't forget to account for the timeline traverse! Remember that Belen was responsible for Lissa finding the napkin when he popped back in time with Kifirin to leave it there for her to find after her Turn completed. There's a number of those type issues that are popping up.