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Poor Connie needs a break! Hopefully she can take a vacation between the Demon's Dream and God Wars release! She's been publishing nonstop for us since Blood Wager! I'm excited about the Blood Double release...but I'd rather have my favorite author take a well deserved break than burn out!
Laura I think this may in part be the reason for the relative gap between dream and blood double as from some of Connie's comments both on her blog site and Facebook site she is quite advanced as usual with the books. and let us remembered if she was working in a job she would be entitled to statutory holiday entitlement lol the poor goddess hardly seems to stop I'm not aware of any other author who publishes practically 1 book a month
Last edit: 11 years 10 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: Correcting writing error missed out a couple of words
Yea! Connie has graced us with another Blood Double snippet via her facebook page:
"Here's a snippet from Blood Double:
"Well, I'll just get to work, then," I nodded at Grant. Whatever I might have been paid before, there would be no paycheck now. Young vampires weren't allowed to earn money until after their five-year training period was over. Before that, they were dependent upon a sire for their needs. After seeing Gavin's face when I woke as his vampire child, I wasn't expecting a single thing from him."
Connie is so very sneaky. She has given no names in any of the three snippets.
By the look of this snippet, it is either just after or before the gavin snippet. I think it is after.
Being a vegetarian, drinking blood may be a real horror for her... or maybe not since she is not killing anything. Any vegetarian's out there who could comment on how you would feel becoming a vampire and having to rely on drinking blood?
Also, it will be interesting finding out what near death situation required Gavin to turn her. Starvation? Attach of a rogue vampire (that one vampire in the in the assumed first snippet was pretty mean, maybe he tried to kill her).
Other thoughts on this and the other two snippets?
Another thought on the title "Blood Double". Maybe it just means someone who has it almost as bad as Lisa did after turning vampire and similar type abilities as Lisa?
Eaglechild wrote: Do we have a physical description of the main character yet? If not could she be the one in the photo with Wlodek near the end of Destroyer? What do you think?
"These are Fox's," the note read. "Fox is mated to Wlodek, Weldon and three others. Her clothes were the closest we could come to something that would fit you—Devin and Grace."