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robbytonk you are partially right...I do think Jayson is Ds. I also think Hank is Hanlekidus Frebell...... <snicker>What little we know about him is located at the end of Demon's Quest.
@Robbytonk ......i think you just ever so slightly blew my mind. Haha I've been so convinced Hank is Li'Neruh Rath but youve thrown the cat amongst the Pidgeons with the Jayson theory. It makes alot of sense, the only thing that makes me think possibly not is that he has a family, yet there is no mention of Hank having one
But Connie always seems to blindside me with how things turn out...so who knows?
I cant remember who Hanlekidus Frebell is?......which is unlike me as i tend to read every book sbout 10 times! So i will have to have a re-read.....No hardship!!!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
oooh now theres a thought Hank as Hanlekidus Frebell yes it does kind of fit with Hank being a contraction of the gods first name. Bethan if memory serves me Hanlekidus can be found in the epilouge to demons quest, as for Jayson having a family remember these are gods we are talking about and remember its aparent from the events on evensun that the gods can take over or maybe even co-exist in a mortal body. Though heres another evil twist to consider that maybe Hanlekidus is Li`Neruh Rath, reading the epilogue the wording is very similar in Blood Troubles in the prologue and the we wernt told the gods original name just that he had taken a high demon name upon asuming the role of lord of the dark realms so its entirely posible that Hanlekidius and Li`Neruh Rath are one and the same. If so and Li`neruh is Jayson it leaves things wide open as to who Hank is. by the way I know Connie had said we had already seen the mighty mind in machester and technically we hadnt met Hank yet but we had in an excerpt. Oooh I am really starting to get twisted by Her Magnificence Connies type of thinking, she will have me beliving black is white next
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: to correct spelling
Connie's just too good at leaving little crumbs that lead you down to what you think is the inevitable conclusion only to find your miles away from reality!!! LOL
In my mind Hank sounds more like what I imagined Li'Neruh to be like.....emphasis on my mind From the description Dawn used in Destroyer, something along the lines of 'face of an angel' to describe Li'Neruh i think more of Hank. From Bree's reaction to seeing him the first time, as opposed to seeing Jayson for the first time.
But theres no denying that the Jayson theory is pretty damn convincing sounding aswell.....in conclusion....I have no idea!!!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
Lol Bethan join the club no doubt 99.9 % of all the theories will be wrong as connie is the master of throwing out red herrings and the more I look at Hank the more I smell fish.