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It's simple guys she's actually doubled up on herself in this book. The earlier be Breanne must still be in Texas before she is removed to the future somehow blissfully Unaware her older but vampire/mighty self is present, thus allowing her to get to the age she is.Yes I know this is possibly creating a paradox but this is gods we are talking about, it's entirely possible she has inadvertently created an offshoot timeline a bit like a bubble or an oxbow bend in a river that rejoins the main timeline so as not to create paradox..... Ouch. Now my head hurts thinking all the topochronologial math involved in that lol.
Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: Correctin some spellings
The reporters and investigators could only go off her name. Any pictures they have of her now can not be correct because when she was turned she assumed the best possible scenario of what she "could" have been like. We know that pre turning she was very old and disfigured, resembling nothing like what she is now. I know there were many comments about her not being scarred and how could she even walk, etc, and that was explained away by James Rome by stating maybe we can't see the scars.
How her age works in my head is that she went back to a time period which matched the age she "looks" now. She knows her own history so would have the knowledge to go somewhere that she knows she will not be and so on. The part that is bothering me is that somewhere in the world is the original Breanne. When this book comes out surely she would see that too? Won't that cause all sorts of problems? Or, is there some sort of interference from elsewhere that will go and fiddle with her mind? Griffin had a lot of "jobs" to do when his future self was sent back. Is it possible that he was also visited Bree, sorted out the "issues" . Heck, it could even have been Griffin who spoke to Bree, didn't he do/say similar to Lissa when Merril was her adoptive sire?
That is why I think this is part of a "split" timeline created either on purpose or accidentally by Brea or even the One that remerges after Brea leaves or even after the younger/older Brea is taken to the future thus avoiding complications.
It is possibly better if we don't examine the time travel type subjects too closely lol It could get very messy indeed. Of course, it is entirely possible that what was, was and what is, is. There are two ways of looking at it. Either what happens in the past changes the future, so we are talking paradoxes and all sorts. OR, the person doing the travelling is in their own, personal time line, no matter what "time" they are in they are in their "present", which would mean that what has happened in the past will always have been and always will be, even if they were to change anything in their past selves life it would not change anything for them because they are constantly in their present. Even if someone should go go back and kill the past of that person, it will have no effect because they ARE. However, this theory is also blown away by the fact that Bill suddenly started getting memories that were not there before. This indicates that time travel is following the paradox version, which, well, is full of flaws if examined closely. So, back to the original sentence, it's better if we don't examine it all too closely lol
I think you have a point about not examining time travel too closely, because, well, mostly it makes my head want to explode.
But this is how I make it make sense to me:
1) In most cases, Breanne changes things right after they happen, thus the future (not yet being written) is not affected, because it happens after she changes it.
2) When Breanne changes things in the past (like Opal), she is changing things that didn't originally happen but only occurred because of her presence in the past.
3) I have no idea what would happen if Breanne ran into Breanne, but I think that her prescience would take care of that part.
The is what has happened, the present is it happening, the future is what will happen. The problem though, is that when someone is moving through time, they have their own past/future/present and take that with them. So, it means that the past has a past/present/future, the future has and so on... no matter where you are along the time line, your own past/present is set, so, by having Bill suddenly have memories he didn't have before means that everything changes... oh Gods, my head hurts. Lets stop this torture!