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1. Our suspicions confirmed that Hank is Hankelous
2. The shocker that Jayson is Mat Michaels who is Bills eventual successor in the ir'indicti series
3. The continuing teasing as to who the mighty mind actually is tho for a moment I thought it was Hankelous in the part where the mighty mind stopped time to take bill and Jason's memories that Brea was made vampire by Gavin until I re read it.
4. The "death " of gavril
5. And the final cliff-hanger
All I can say is connie has produced the best yet and that was only a few of the thrills from the book and what I picked up on a first reading can't wait for the next book
Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: Revision of statements
If anyone needs a spanking in this book its Thornsten/Thurlow he's been a very naughty boy!!!
Im so sad for Gavril :´( with the explanation for his behaviour i cant help but feel sorry for him that no one thought to challenge the change in him too much.
I also may have had a slightly teary moment when Gavin gave Bree the teddy bear lol!
As for the ending Ahhhhhhh!!!! Literally can not deal with it right now.
Just thinking too, could it maybe have been Thurlow who threw Bree against the wall and stopped her from killing herself? He is able to track her through the mark he placed.
And one major Yay for Bree and Graegar being possible mates
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
@ David ... Re:Gavin: I believe that was addressed, you can put his better behavior down to the Mighty Mind.
@ Robbytonk
1. Not a big shock, if you think about the behavior only Hank was acting less than earth human.
2. That is surprising ... must be he has more than a passing acquaintance with responsibility.
3. I can still make a good argument for not revealing his identity ... lol.
4. More the rehumanization of Gavril.
5. I think I've said it before ... This was really a surprise??
Reading is a gift to yourself that you can share with everyone.
Larry I wasn't implying that Hank being Hankelous was a shock hell I think most of us had pretty much decided who he was. Though I don't know if any of you have been following comments on Connie's Facebook page but I think she is definitely going to extend the godwars over a fifth or even a sixth book so it may be some time before we see a reveal as to the mighty minds identity if at all as Larry said (goddess forbid as it would drive me crazy). I hate say it but I think connie is enjoying watching her fans scratch their proverbial heads trying to work out who wisdom is........ Just a thought once all the action is over in Brea's "present" is everyone's. memories going to be altered so as to preserve the timelines.another thought did anyone catch Brea's reaction to Ashe me thinks a mifya is sitting there.