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Candidates for The Mighty Mind

11 years 5 months ago #3451 by LauraD
I've been thinking along the same lines...sort of. I was wondering if that line about seeing the Mighty Mind in his true form is a red herring. However, I was considering Kalengar as a possibility. He's messed up by the mind cloud when he meets Breane, but he has been "off wandering" and the other Larrenti don't know what he's been doing. The prophesy also said that he and Breanne would work together. After the mind cloud is wiped he's extremely sorry he treated her the way he did. He can also go back and forth in time and change things. Maybe the instances where we saw him before were actually an older Kal going back in time after he's realized what he did to her.

Far fetched I know. Actually I like Corrent better!

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11 years 5 months ago #3454 by Bethan
I thought Corent after the first book when he folded tho get him and Bree Ice cream as he wasn't supposed to have that ability. But admittedly I threw him out the window when grey eyes was mentioned lol i am very fickle.
But as you say perualpaca it could be that he has hiden his true self to gey close to all the action on Lissa's planet without anyone suspecting.

Doesn't the mighty have to have a 'human' existence first though as part of the deal of being reborn? I know the fae are humanoid but i assumed they had to think they were human without any abilities. But ive probably interpreted that wrong.

@charlesthered im sure i read Triks eyes are green ill see if i can track it down lol could be wrong.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas

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11 years 5 months ago #3456 by Charles the Red
"True self". How many characters have had their appearance altered in some way to either throw off an enemy or get a second chance with Lissa? I can think of 2 off the top of my head. One of which fits the general description of the Mighty Mind.

Also Corent is half Fae. So he's still a candidate too. I truthfully don't know what to think anymore. Both Heart and Hand are from Earth and both have Elemiyan blood but they're not related.(Thankfully Connie cleared that one up on a comment on her FB page.) The more I think about it the more my head hurts.

If you don't have a sense of humor, then you have no sense at all.

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11 years 5 months ago #3457 by Clare
To all the comments on Trik's eye colour, they are not grey, most definitely, BUT from the line regarding seeing the Mind in his true form that completely destroys any relevance of eye colour so it could be anyone... So, with that in mind all we have to go on is what Connie has revealed and that is a few people it is definitely not and the vague clue that it is someone we have encountered before. So, Not Adam, Gavin, Norian, Jayson or Hank, or any of the "Obvious" characters. I'm desperately trying to remember if we asked outright about Corent because I too like him for it, I have a horrid feeling it was asked.

Regarding the human existence thing, i'm not sure how to interpret that because could it simply mean one of the races that are not "Godlike" such as Saa Thalaar and un-named ones? For the sake of sanit though lets say it is human, how many humans have we encountered? Not that many really. If Frank hadn't already been reborn I might have gone with him. Trina was human and we also know she is due to be reborn "soon" but it's a male... Bill... but surely Ashe would have realised if it were Bill. Could it be a vampire? Oh heck, head is hurting all over again.

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11 years 5 months ago #3460 by David
The problem is her hint opened up more possibilities and not less. We don't know if his true form is the one with gray eyes and hair do we?

Trik didn't really change his face/eye color, he just had his deformities fixed. Of course that still doesn't rule him out.

I gave up trying to guess, but I am still enjoying everyone else's.

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11 years 5 months ago #3488 by Clare
well yes, the only thing we DO know is that his true form is the one with grey eyes and black hair. What we don't know is what he looks like in his "other" form. Lets face it, it could be anything at all! The other issue is that as we know, the Mighty have no problem at all traversing the time line, this means that we have no idea of age either. The one we are seeing could be a future version travelling back in time, or even a much older one that has travelled into the future. We know there was an age difference of around 40 years between Breanne and Ashe, also that they became aware at differing ages, Ashe was around 16 whereas Bree was around 60 (59 when she started to realise greater potential). The spectrum really is far to broad to even hazard a guess now, sadly.

Yes, Corent is suddenly showing new powers that he didn't posses before, but that could be easily explained away if at some point in the future Kay changes him, brining out his green fey potential, after all, his miraculous survival when all the others died has been explained now with Bree... Could Connie saying it wasn't Jayson be a red herring as Jayson is now Matt?

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