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Yeah, I'm on book 17 of my reread, going to try and step back before my brain explodes.
I still like the idea of the mind using Thurlow for errands if he can handle it, far from convinced the gray eyes or even that its a male is confirmed in the books.
Unless I missed something, or Connie said something?
Yeah for some reason i was sure at some point it confirmed the Mind was male but on my re-read i dont think it actually does at all. I think the grey eyes part is likely but again nothing outright says its the Mind.
Im not sure how Thurlow fits into it yet, still wondering at why he was so worked up when he came to Lissa.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
right guys an gals something else to add into the mix so to speak we all know the mighty mind is going to be smart (well i hope that is what it implies), but also consider he/she is also supposed to be the tactician of the 3 mighty so maybeee he she will also have a military background. Oh my that brings us back to Tony lol(he was special forces before becoming director of the agency) but who else in the Le`ath Veronis universe has a military background he he happy speculation all
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: have to remember to spell check lol
What about the two Lissa brought back after trying to track down Toff when the green fae took him, the millitary captain. Cant remember his name. Im literally suggesting everyone now!!! Haha
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
Well, it's actually strength, wisdom and love, they are only called the mighty mind, heart and hand. Wisdom does not necessarily mean intelligence, I would hope they are all intelligent.
And who is more wise than the larentii? Must be Ren!
Disclaimer: this WAG is not serious at all on my part.