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I don't really see Teeg being Merrill or Jim for the simple fact that they both have blue eyes and if I remember correctly Teeg has brown, that and Ry and Tory show absolutely no recognition of Teeg at all. Teeg was there with Reah before anyone really knew where she was or what was going on as well as being employed by Arvil before she was kidnapped. So while it a good theory don't see it.
I do agree totally with the theory that he was mean to protect her. Can you imagine what type of crap Lindal would pull if she still owned half the planet??? What he would try and make her do??? I'm not saying that I think Teeg is going to come out a totally saint though. There is much we still don't know about him. Two more days!!!!!!
I think I found proof of Teeg having compulsion. When a drunk Wilfrin + companion burst into Reah's room waving a ranos pistol around, Teeg appeared with one of the warlocks and told him to "go away and have fun with the lovely lady". Wilfrin turned and calmly walked out of the room.
Nice point, however there was no mention of his eyes going blank or hearing "power" in the command ... we may get a few answers soon.
Let me state up front that this is pure conjecture:
Has anyone stopped and thought about who saved Reah during the bombing?
1) Consider the timing - military bombings start to finish are measured in minutes.
2) Who would KNOW that the bombings were coming in time to keep Reah from frying?
.a) Would have to know when and where the bombings would occur.
.b) Would have to know Reah's exact location at that time.
.c) Would have to act prior to Reah skipping / going Thifilatha.
3) Would probably not be aware of Reah's abilities.
So, if we assume Teeg did save Reah, wouldn't that make him an Elemiyan vampire agent of the RAA??
Reading is a gift to yourself that you can share with everyone.
Thought - do we know anyone with the initials T G ? (TeeG)
Yes there are two:
Trace Gibson: One of Winkler's bodyguards and a member of the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7 feet tall. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Brother to Trajan Gibson, Winkler's Second. Proficient (like his brother) in Martial Arts.
Trajan Gibson: Winkler's Second in the Dallas Pack. Nearly 7 feet tall, dark hair and eyes; Trajan is a black belt in karate and a master of several other disciplines.
Could be one of them??????
In the days BC (before Connie) the greatest author of fantasy was John Bunyan. My favourite is 'The Holy War'. You can find it free on Gutenberg.
Just finished Demons King and did not anticipate in any way who Teeg turned out to actually be. As of now he seriously needs an attitude adjustment in my oppinion. (trying not to give any spoilers away)
Last edit: 12 years 4 weeks ago by Kazinasin. Reason: wasn't clear on what I meant