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If Hank is Li'Neruh Rath (from Blood Revolution: "Hanlekidus Frebell, known to those on Earth as Hank Bell and as Li'Neruh Rath elsewhere"), Kirifin's new boss, then possibly he was actually the "Dark Lord" being referred to.
In that case, Perdil is actually pining after Breanne..
(Skimming through the topic, I see this option has already been dismissed. Still, Perdil dreams of her, so perhaps they are some sort of foredream?)
As for Gavin. In his own personal time-line, his period of "kindness and understanding" falls in the middle - with Lissa he was a .. well, not always nice. With Breanne he goes all soft and cuddly, and then moves on three hundred years to be the Gavin we all know and want to kick in the pants. But then, with no previous memory of having met Breanne before, he also gave her the teddy bear.
Is it possible that when not affected by a mind cloud he is actually naturally inclined to be protective of Breanne?
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by Rissie. Reason: Just wanted to add some thoughts.
Do we know who placed the mind clouds or why? I think I just presumed it was done for evil ends but ow I'm rethinking that. The results of the mind clouds have actually been positive haven't they...
I'd be interested to find out who or what was behind it. I suspect Kifirin, the end results of the mind clouds have been positive, Bree needed to become a vampire and needed learn fast, her poor treatment forced her to do this as well as forced her to "hide". Teeg was a mess. Teeg 2.0 is awesomeness in the making and so on. Kifirin has been known to do some pretty unpleasant things to achieve the positive end. This is right in his ball park... If he has the power. We also know he was given an unpleasant task by the new dark lord, what was that task?
There is always a reason behind everything Connie writes ... even if we don't see it as soon as we would like ... I trust Connie so I'll believe that it will all make sense in the end.
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