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Demon's Dream snippet *Spoiler for Demon's Reveng

11 years 2 months ago #1513 by Larry
Please credit the source when you repost a snippet, thank you. The above came from Connie's Blog.

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11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #1518 by robbytonk
larry i know jballa didnt exactly say it was from connie`s blog but jballa did say it was from connie
Last edit: 11 years 2 months ago by robbytonk.

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11 years 2 months ago #1521 by robbytonk
Just had another thought I hope Reah insists on bringing this garvin wyatt up herself and doesn't let teeg bully her into essentially handing over the child.

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11 years 2 months ago #1522 by YMG83
Now I'm going to spend the next few days pondering Lissa and Flavios' reactions when they first see Edward in Lissa's kitchen. Why, why, why was Flavio shocked, I somehow doubt it was because Edward ate all the crepes. I love the speculation when Connie posts these snippets for us.

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11 years 2 months ago #1523 by Eaglechild
Well my guess about Flavio's reaction is because he thought Edward was dead, he was on the council and then made head of the council, not hard to believe that he read about Edward and the other children from Shadowed at some point. Let's not forget what Lissa did to all the Elemaiya and Flavio has a little something extra now thanks to his mate so he might be able to tell when someone has power, maybe not what kind but when it's there.

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11 years 2 months ago #1525 by Larry
Okay, I'll explain this ... once ... asking someone to reference the source is a polite way to ensure that everyone knows where to find the original material. We have a good relationship with Connie and I would prefer to keep it that way.

Questions about board policy can be emailed or PM'ed to me, or posted in Off Topic. Please keep them out of the discussions.

Reading is a gift to yourself that you can share with everyone.

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