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I think that Fyris and the Avii are the people who created the controllers. The population about destroyed each other. The poison was introduced by a rogue God , Liron placed the people on that planet to help control it so it didn't get out plus made the Avii responsible for the people of Fyris instead of conquering them like they did on their old planet with the controllers. He had to hide what he did from the rogue gods so he got Marid to do the spell. He made Quinn the same time he made the orb cause he knew one day she would be needed. Now that Siriaa is gone the orb has only one directive, to save the people of Fyris and the Avii. I don't think the orb cares about the poison. If you noticed Quinn was popping in to places that would save the people and had nothing to do with the position. Ie... Bleek going to kidnap the people of New Fyris, the assassin (forgot name) trying to kill little Liron, Whipp destroying Harafa Edus, which held the people of New Fyris. Not sure how Quinn got the orb to stuff all those people inside but she figured out some stuff about the orb and her but she said she didn't want to think about that YET or confront it. Ok so that is my theroy. I don't think Liron was a rogue God but maybe tried to do stuff to thwart them without drawing attention to himself.
That is quite the conjecture... While I don't agree with most of it, I do agree that Liron was an unwilling participant in it the the general's scheme. though he died a rogue, i think he tried to contain the poison (trap) that the general and Acromis set up. A good god, caught up with bad people, so to say.
Got it on my mind to change my ways, but I don't think I can be anything other than me.
- The Pretty Reckless "Light Me Up"
The controller that Gavril got and rebuilt came from a dead planet. There was a very old controller in the Avii vault that Yevil's father gave him to use on the king of Fyris. They had no space travel no knowledge of other planets besides Daragar but never questioned him about it. How did the controllers get in the vault with the ranos pistols? That question is why I think they are the civilization who made them.
Did you start with Lissas Books ?
He appears for the first time in Blood Passage I believe.
Can't be quite sure, anyway he is Lissas and Breannes father.
The biggest fuckup - asshole there is, in the Lissaverse.
Because of his manipulations, he lost his son, his mate and his daughters hate his guts.
A really "charming, loveable" character.
He was first of the Saa Talar and forced into retierement by one of the mighties (Widom?).
He "created" Lissa in order to sacrifice her for the good of Universes!
"Someone once said a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters could reproduce the works of Shakespeare.
The internet has proven that this is not true."