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I think this 'rant' topic is a prime example of how brilliant an author Connie is that she can have us all so emotionally invested into a character. And yet our opinions and sympathies or lack thereof are so wildly different. I think its great how everyone personally has gotten something different from the Teeg storyline.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
@ robbytonk ... the disagree statement was for Bethan
I have no issue with people disagreeing with me ... in fact I encourage it (with the exception of site rules), I don't write the books, I have no input on content, and don't see them before anyone else here ... so my WAG's are as much a guess as the next person's therefore it's not my place to say someone else's WAG is wrong ... lol.
Reading is a gift to yourself that you can share with everyone.
Lol Larry isn't that what WAG are for to be wrong 99% of the time and just because its a Wag doesn't mean your crazy it just means you are creative in your thinking and are open to all possibilities,( hmmm why does that sound like a quote). On another note did anyone find tybus's reaction to learning that Lissa is the reincarnation of his daughter a little disturbing or is it just the way my twisted mind is interpretations the text lol. Oooooh just had another thought but that's for another thread
Last edit: 11 years 6 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: Adding to the text
Not really. He suddenly has two sets of memories and emotions. A part of him feels love for his Mother but to the other part she is a complete stranger. He has now found out that this woman is the reincarnation of his Daughter whom he loved, someone with whom he shared many memories. It means that both sets of memories are reconciled in Lissa if nothing else. I would imagine that would change a lot... everything for him. Wouldn't you?
I do feel sympathy for them but am not sorry Teeg is gone now. Despite Lissa being a good person she really didn't act in the best way regarding Teeg. On so many occasions when she knew he had done something very wrong she did not do anything about it, even toward the end when she knew he had used compulsion she did nothing when both as his Mother and Queen of Vampires she should have acted. In all honesty, seeing Lissa's interaction with most of her children it is a wonder more didn't turn out as bad as Teeg. She oozes love but has no spine to give discipline or spend time with them as Mother. Funny how the one that remained with her turned out the worst and the ones that were taken to other planets for school and learning the best... Tory was the only other that spent significantly more time with his Mother and look how he turned out too... This outcome was best for all concerned.