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Teeg - Rant (read at your own risk)

11 years 5 months ago #3414 by Bethan
I totally see where everyone was coming from on the Teeg hate but I'd have to disagree :unsure:

Knowing now the reasons for all his actions i think its unbelievably sad, if i remember correctly the stronger the soul the longer it takes to drain it. As Gavril he made his request to Kifirin out of Love (for Reah) and yeah of course some selfishness on his part in wanting her. And we could see what a good, kind person he was.

From the little we hear about his life with Dee pre Campia he was a good man, a govenor who treated people kindly and fair.

We dont know when the drain on his soul took place but i imagine it must have been when he was in the palace as Gavril otherwise they wouldnt have guessed with the Tybus name right? Could have been later but i dont know.

He then as Teeg did some truly stupid and cruel things but that was due to the draining of his soul, so i cant help but be sympathetic towards him.

There must have been something in him that wondered at his actions of course as time went on but the very fact that his soul was being drained would have ensured he never thought to question it too fully either.

I just find it all very sad and feel a little heartbroken that lovely Gavril was stolen away from Lissa and Gavin in the cruelest way. are all entitled to thing im crazy btw lol!

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. - Dylan Thomas
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11 years 5 months ago #3416 by Curly One
I totally agree with you :)

I still don't like the things he did and he appears quite unsympathetic, but because of the soul-draining and the mindcloud you actually can't judge his character. We don't know what he did on his own account and what was triggered by these things. But I really liked Gavril when he was still young and also at the beginning when he was Teeg and before he started to behave like an idiot. ;)
So I can't help but think that he would've been the kind, smart guy he was at the beginning otherwise.
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11 years 5 months ago #3419 by YMG83
Bethan I don't think you're crazy, Gavril as Chash and then as Teeg in Demon Revealed (except the last part of course) was adorable. He changed. I think Breeane put it best in Blood Revolution when she mused that "he'd been star-crossed, almost from the beginning". However, you do raise a most interesting point about when the soul draining started. I'd assumed, for no reason at all, that it was during the lost years at the beginning of Demon's Revenge. I don't think the enemy were certain about the Tybus - Gavril link, just pretty sure; perhaps they have those who can "look" as we'll.

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11 years 5 months ago #3424 by robbytonk
Hmm why did they have to decide to do away with teeg/gavril after he became the founder. They could have decided to attack him just because he was lissa's son so the decision to snatch tybu whatever way they knew who tybus was reborn as.

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11 years 5 months ago #3429 by Larry
Acrimus was 100% certain he had the right person to destroy Teeg with, he actually made a point of ranting to Tybus about it (Kindle location 3113).

You are certainly welcome to disagree with me, you are even welcome to post opposing rants if you so desire ... it's kind of difficult to say one opinion is more valid than another =).

Why do away with Teeg? ... I believe it was to destabilize the Campian Alliance, it is a valid military strategy to kill off the leadership to win a war. Imagine the results of WW II if Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin had been taken out or how much less damage if Hitler had been taken out early in the war? I can't say it's good / evil strategy that is up to the individual to decide but it is valid.

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11 years 5 months ago - 11 years 5 months ago #3436 by robbytonk
Larry I wasn't exactly disagreeing with you, what I was trying to point out (badly) was that there are multiple reasons for "killing" gavril/teeg as lissa seems to be one of the main supporters for the one and the three mighty it makes sense from the enemy's point of view to use any tactic to demoralise her as well as destabilising the campian alliance, how ever I have a feeling that they may have shot themselves in the foot by using tybus as he is an infinitely more experienced character and with a little help will probably be a better leader in the long run. in a way I wonder if connie has done this to clear some of the issues that have developed with various characters towards gavril/teeg ie reah and the rest of her mates for example and breannes and her mates for that matter and this gives tybus/teeg a clean slate to start with them.
Last edit: 11 years 5 months ago by robbytonk. Reason: Slight revision of text
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