My turn
Auri - He has been solid support for Reah, but sadly not there alot when needed due to his spawn hunter work. However, in this last book, they did let him come off assignment briefly to be there for her. I am with the others, hopefully that doesn't change (say no to mindcloud spells!).
Lendill - Agree, he is behaving better. See if it continues. I am still not yet over what he did while she was in ASD.
Gavril/Teeg - It looks like the talk he and the other mates got sunk in. For now, he did give her space and is behaving a with Reah better. Agree though he will likely still put his alliance ahead of Reah.
Tory - Ok... I really think this is mindcloud spell. I belive that is the abllity to aggravate certain behaviors/emotions. In Tory's case, to prove his is a man by marrying... I guess that means mature in his mind. I feel pain for Leathverois. TOry has many holdings that that witch now has half hold on. Also, we know his new wife has other evil plans. Kirifin has told him he may take away the mating marks. Tory's Thirfin is scared of this, but Tory seems not very connected to that side of himself. Its going to take some bad stuff going down or a cloudsong type turn around to pull him out of this relationship killer.
Wylend - Also I believe mindcloud affected. In this cause egg on his jealousy (her being with Teeg) and hating it when someone contradicts what he wants (wyatt as his heir). He has been bad, but Lendill I think still has it over Wylend on past mistakes.
Corolan - agree, he is caught between the two, but will likely stick with Wylend.
Farzi and Nenzi - awesome supportive mates!
Radolf - I am glad he is around. He is very supportive, left Karanthia due to what happened there (mother, etc). He can cook almost as much as Reah which both love talking and experimenting together.
Hey, its an activity Reah likes. Didn't she complain none of her mates were spending quality time with her (shopping was one activity mentioned).
Nefrigar - Very interesting he seemed to be her dispather for awhile for trouble
He came close to interfering.. However he just "suggested" she visit places.. never really saying what's up.
He has been very awesome and saved her life a time or two now. Yea! More support for Reah!
Lok - He started off as a Jerk, but has gotten better. On what Nefrigar meant about not seeing her for awhile.. either 1) because Lok is part of ASD and may get alot of assignments like Auri. 2) Kirifin's isolation plan may keep her mates from seeing her for many many years.
On Ry - I thought he might be one at the beginning, but I agree, I think he sees Reah more like a sister.